Native yucca sharp addition to landscape

Being sharp is usually considered a compliment. It implies the recipient of this assessment has the intellectual ability and the mental agility to handle the rigors of contemporary life with ease. Sharp individuals anticipate coming events and prepare for them with preemptive actions which lead to a better than typical outcome. This proactive approach leads…

Island park’s recovery earns it Top 10 beach

St. George Island has once again made the list of the best beaches in America in a prestigious 30-year-old annual list created by a South Florida professor of coastal science. Specifically citing the beach at Dr. Julian Bruce St. George Island State Park, Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, director of the Laboratory for Coastal Research at…

Innovative summer program planned for Apalach teens

It’s called Community Moving Education, and its about to make a huge summertime splash in Apalachicola  for middle and high schoolers. This five-week arts program, headquartered at the Apalachicola Center for History, Culture and the Arts, is the brainchild of former New York City dancer Frenchy Haynes, the founding director of the non-profit Moving Education…


Chasing Shadows: The work of the historical society

When you think about the Apalachicola Area Historical Society, do you think “Oh yeah, they run the Raney House Museum?” I was asked this question and decided it was time to talk to the community about the historical society. In January we began the third year of our monthly Spring Speaker series, which runs from…

Secret Lives of Words: A billion cicadas and a side of fries

The cicadas are coming and, yes, by the billions! The Cicadoidea superfamily dates back 250 million years and numbers more than 3,000 species. Those soon to magically emerge from their subterranean abodes in the eastern U.S., as many as 1.5 million/acre, and launch into an amorous sing-along are in the genus Magicicada, “magician cicada.” Often…