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Seahawks turn to Coach Cooper

John Cooper, a 30-year-old offensive line coach from Wakulla County who was an assistant coach for the Seahawks five years ago, has accepted an offer to lead the Franklin County High School football program. Superintendent Steve Lanier said he plans to recommend Cooper’s name for school board approval this month, with the coach expected to…

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Charles Mohr, Alvan Chapman and the ‘sleeping angel’

At the north end of Apalachicola’s Magnolia Cemetery on Bluff Road, the Mohr family plot lies in the shade of an old cedar tree. Tall weeds, fallen palm fronds and years of dirt obscure the gravestones while Spanish moss hanging from live oaks nearby adds to the air of age and neglect.  In the middle…

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Carrabelle’s ‘Pen to Paper’ series opens Monday

The Carrabelle Branch of the Franklin County Public Libraries will host a writers’ series “Pen to Paper” from January through May 2023.  Kicking off this exciting series, on Monday, January 9 at 2 p.m, will be a panel of five local authors, featuring Dawn Radford, Tiffany Jo Howell, D.J. Mays, Sidsel ‘Sid’ McOmie and Anthony…