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Three years later, Seiden murder trial looms

It’s been more than three years since the lifeless body of 31-year-old Aileen Seiden was dumped in a cul-de-sac at a vacant subdivision off U.S. 98, a day after authorities say she was bludgeoned to death in an Eastpoint motel room where she stayed over the weekend with two traveling companions from South Florida. Within…

Innovative summer program planned for Apalach teens

It’s called Community Moving Education, and its about to make a huge summertime splash in Apalachicola  for middle and high schoolers. This five-week arts program, headquartered at the Apalachicola Center for History, Culture and the Arts, is the brainchild of former New York City dancer Frenchy Haynes, the founding director of the non-profit Moving Education…


Challenges loom for St. George Island incorporation push

Following a series of three guided discussions online, led by volunteers from the FSU urban and regional planning department, a movement to transform St. George Island into the county’s third town is moving forward and could became a reality by the end of 2022. But it continues to face formidable challenges, not the least of…