Build Back Better BS

The Democrats’ lobbyist-driven “Infrastructure Bill” recently passed, but the Build Back Better plan (“Human Infrastructure”) plan is meeting resistance even though they named it something alliterative, which made it sound adorable. I studied it, and the Build Back Better plan is a three-step process. First, the Dems take the money from us via taxes, then they…

Buckhead: Come for the shopping, stay to fill out police report

My friend, Tucker Carlson, recently did a masterful piece on what has happened in Atlanta and, more specifically, in Buckhead. For symbolism, I suggested that the Peachtree Road Race this year should have the winner breaking through yellow crime scene tape. My fear is that when the official signals the start of the race with…

Critical Race Theory further devalues college education

Campuses were once places where ideas were debated. Today they are places where any right-of-center opposition speech is labeled “hate” and is shut down. Liberal schools like Emory, Middlebury and Brown fight to keep right-of-center voices off campus. They do not educate, they indoctrinate. And our country is paying the price. College kids are so…

An update on the Clinton Crime Family Foundation

I have stated over the years that the Clinton Family Foundation was nothing more than a political operation disguised as a charity. It existed to funnel money to the Clintons and to advance their brand. Every money-moving operation must have accomplices and other “muscle” to make the criminal enterprise hum. One of the latest muscle-heads,…

Alec Baldwin and actors who play in areas they should not

Beware of actors with guns. The first to realize this, too late, was President Abraham Lincoln. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Hours before actor Alec Baldwin fatally shot a cinematographer on the New Mexico set of ‘Rust’ with a prop gun, a half-dozen camera crew workers walked off the set to protest working conditions….

‘Human infrastructure,’ like ‘shovel-ready jobs,’ is D.C. myth

Remember when Obama got his trillion-odd dollars of “stimulus money,” which he and the Democrats breathlessly said we needed for “shovel-ready” jobs to rebuild roads and infrastructure? Please email me if anything of the sort got built in your town. Nothing got built in the cities where I spend time. Roads and water systems are…

Vacation in Afghanistan: You never know where you’ll beheaded

Biden promised to “get” the terrorists who killed our 13 soldiers near the Kabul airport. With all the effectiveness we have come to expect from his government, reports are that he mistakenly droned an Afghan interpreter who had helped the U.S. So one day your name is all over the newspapers in Afghanistan and the…