A Valentine’s message on how God loves us
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A Valentine’s message on how God loves us

What keeps you from loving others the way you, yourself, crave to be loved? And conversely, what’s lacking in your life (or more accurately, in your heart) that keeps you from fully loving others the way they need to be loved? First John 4:19 (ESV) says, “We love because [God] first loved us.” The marvelous…

Forgiving our spouse for not being perfect
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Forgiving our spouse for not being perfect

If you’ve already blown your New Year’s resolutions, I have a suggestion. Resolve to do only one thing this new year: Forgive your spouse for not being perfect.  Several years ago, while our Sunday school class discussed issues relating to married life, Bert said, “Our marriage isn’t perfect – ”  I couldn’t help but interrupt….

Experiencing joy in the new year, amidst sorrow
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Experiencing joy in the new year, amidst sorrow

Has the loss of someone dear to you left a perpetual hole in your heart? Have the consequences of your poor choices convinced you that you’re a hopeless loser? If so, I have an encouraging verse to share with you: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every…