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State delegation meetings set for Jan. 27

The annual legislative delegation meetings for Franklin and Gulf counties are set for Monday, Jan. 27. State Representative Jason Shoaf (R-Port St. Joe) and State Senator Corey Simon (R-Tallahassee) will conduct the meetings.  The meeting in Franklin County will be in the county commission chambers, 34 Forbes St., in Apalachicola from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m….

Warm up with soup, bread and books in Eastpoint
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Warm up with soup, bread and books in Eastpoint

The Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries invite everyone to a fun-filled Souper Celebration, a soup, bread, and book sale event on Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Eastpoint Branch Library.  The public is welcome from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET, while members of the Friends have exclusive early access to the soup sale starting…

Learn about Florida’s pirates Saturday
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Learn about Florida’s pirates Saturday

The Carrabelle History Museum will present a speaker program Saturday, Jan. 18 about the Pirates of the Florida West Coast.  This free program, from 10 a.m. to noon ET at C-Quarters Marina in Carrabelle, will feature Robert Jacob, author and historian, who brings over 50 years of experience in living history portrayals and a passion…

Island welcomes in new year with a splash
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Island welcomes in new year with a splash

On St. George Island, what began several years ago as a family thing behind the house of Heather and Steve Rash, has also steadily grown, to where it moved to the beach behind the Blue Parrot Ocean Front Cafe about three years ago. “It was great. The air was a little chilly but the water…

Bring Me A Book has holiday success
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Bring Me A Book has holiday success

Over the holidays, Bring Me A Book Forgotten Coast gave out 1,186 books to the children of Franklin and Gulf counties. Events included Apalachicola’s arrival of Santa on a shrimp boat, Port St. Joe Small Business Saturday, the St. George Island Lighting of the Palms, plus Eastpoint and Carrabelle celebrations.  Bring Me A Book partnered…

Library concert to feature Mathis and ‘The Preacher’
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Library concert to feature Mathis and ‘The Preacher’

Clayton Mathis and Stephen Pecot, “The Preacher,” will grace the stage at the Apalachicola Margaret Key Public Library on Wednesday, Jan. 15, from 6 to 7:30 ET. Mathis, who hails from Gaffney, South Carolina where he developed his love of music.  His grandmother tried to teach him piano but he quit at age 12 and…

What’s open on new years
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What’s open on new years

The following is a list of what restaurants and bars are open on New Years Eve and New Years Day. Some have New Year’s Eve celebrations, others are open regular hours, but may close early on New Year’s Eve. If you know of others that may be open, please email to David Adlerstein@ dadlerstein@nevespublishing.com or…

And the winners are….
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And the winners are….

Topping the charts at Carrabelle’s Boat Parade of Lights Dec. 14 were for boats 24-feet and under 1st) Mutiny, Steve Cowles 2) Sweet Caroline, Chris Holley and 3) Porter Girl, Johnnie Porter 25 to 34 feet 1) Electric Ray, Cypress Rudloe 2) Dandy, Lake Etheridge and 3) Emily Decessre; 35 to 44 feet 1) Docks…