The Cubans: People of a paused land
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The Cubans: People of a paused land

Apalachicola’s Richard Bickel, an Emmy Award-winning photojournalist, recently returned from Cuba with a wealth of new works. The trip was his 14th trip to the island. “The economic crisis was as bad as I have seen,” he said. “The country was out of gasoline, and there were nightly power blackouts. To get around, I had…

Robert Benson passes away peacefully
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Robert Benson passes away peacefully

For those of you who have not heard, Lanark has lost one of its longtime residents of more than 20 years. Robert Benson, 67, passed away peacefully at his home in Lanark on Sunday, Aug. 11. Robert was a very helpful person, mostly to his parents, Bob and Aileen Benson, also Lanark residents. Robert was…


WWII museum explores The Mighty Eighth 

The Camp Gordon Johnston World War II Museum in Carrabelle is presenting a special exhibit exploring the wartime bravery and sacrifice of the 8th Air Force, known as The Mighty Eighth, on display throughout August. Admission free. The museum is open every Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. For more info,…