LVA to meet on Nov. 12
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LVA to meet on Nov. 12

Hi Y’all,  Happy Halloween and Fall, and Happy Veterans’ Day!  Last Sunday, Nov. 3, the veterans from the American Legion Post 82 in Lanark attended a reception held at the Carrabelle History Museum for Bill Daniels, who was chosen as their veteran honoree. On Friday, Nov. 8 the American Legion Post 82 will be serving…

Not all lies are created equal
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Not all lies are created equal

It never ends. The press still does not know how to handle the avalanche of lies that is MAGA’s chief contribution to our national life. I understand, sort of. It’s dull and time-consuming to bird-dog every false accusation, wild assertion or factual misstatement that comes out of Trumpland. “They’re controlling the weather” is just the…

Elon and Trump, birds of a feather
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Elon and Trump, birds of a feather

Donald Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania where he was almost killed weeks ago. And you thought Tom Cruise was cool because he does his own stunts. Fox News was about the only media outlet to cover the former president’s triumphant return. Maybe they should have built a grassy knoll, a book depository, or walked him…

State EOC helps deluged residents
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State EOC helps deluged residents

Hi Y’all, we are sadly awaiting the outcome of another hurricane hurting us and our neighbors. Our part of Florida was fortunate while our neighbors further south were devastated and who would have thought that the north of us would be destroyed in some cases? My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost…

Village spared, but massive flooding in spots
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Village spared, but massive flooding in spots

Hi Y’all, it is good to be back after evacuating to Biloxi, Mississippi on Wednesday of last week. More so, because the Lanark area was spared, this is the first hurricane in the 10 years I have lived here that I evacuated, leaving with visions of Mexico Beach in my head.  Coming home to see…

America’s last truly free market
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America’s last truly free market

All anybody needs to know about a free economy is alive and well thanks to social media flea markets, such as Facebook Marketplace. While procrastinating every morning, I review this site looking at cars, lakefront homes and a wide variety of highly entertaining items people are trying to hock. Facebook Marketplace offers a hands-on lesson…

What are we conserving?
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What are we conserving?

When my friend David French — New York Times columnist, pro-life evangelical, and lifelong conservative — announced that he would be voting for Kamala Harris, it was like dropping a Porterhouse steak amid a pride of lions. The Dispatch’s Jonah Goldberg wrote a rebuttal, asserting, among other things, that “endorsements trigger an instinctual desire to…

Kamala: Account for money spent before raising taxes
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Kamala: Account for money spent before raising taxes

The Democrats at their national convention boldly said that they laid out “A Vision for America.” And – I am not making this up – their opening speech was by Stevie Wonder.  Instead of issues, they kept pushing this “joy” thing. It was unquantifiable and a diversion from their record, but the press ran with…

Democrats are so angry they think it’s 2020
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Democrats are so angry they think it’s 2020

Thank goodness the Democrat Party’s magic act in Chicago is finally over. For four days we’ve had to watch the liberal media drool over Kamala Harris and her unimpressive VP choice, Tim Walz, like they were the greatest team of presidential candidates since JFK picked LBJ in 1960. We’ve had to listen to a parade…

Harris’ economic ideas are failed socialist panderings
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Harris’ economic ideas are failed socialist panderings

On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, Joe Biden was given the not-so-prime-time slot, 11:30 p.m. Monday night, for his speech. This was not the slot where one would put a president whom Pelosi and other Dems say deserves to be mounted on Mount Rushmore. Speaking of mounting things, Bill Clinton was scheduled…