Fourth Estate should just have an estate sale
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Fourth Estate should just have an estate sale

We have legacy corporate media that have stood by and asked no questions when the Democrats say Trump, MAGA and Republicans are a “threat to democracy.” All the while, Democrats seek to keep Trump off the ballot in several states, jail him, take his assets in New York, expand the Supreme Court, ban voter ID,…

Dems blame business for passing on inflation
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Dems blame business for passing on inflation

When you create inflation like Biden has, that cost is always passed on to the consumer. Materials, regulatory and oil costs are up, along with interest rates. The expense to do business naturally goes up; and for Biden to childishly chide business owners for raising prices, calling them “greedy and gouging” (even yelling that his…

Weaponizing government against Trump is backfiring
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Weaponizing government against Trump is backfiring

All the contrived “lawfare” cases against Trump are falling apart.  The cases were assigned to inept and corrupt blue-city prosecutors. And, on cue, the prosecutors are botching their jobs in a clumsy sequence of events that are more telling about the veracity of the pursuers than about their target’s. They are failing because of the…

Fani’s no vote-rigger, nor down with broke figures
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Fani’s no vote-rigger, nor down with broke figures

We know that voters no longer determine elections; the FBI, DOJ, CIA and various district attorneys do. Sadly, because of the likes of former FBI Director Comey, Peter Strzok, Letitia James, NY County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and the various Deep State spy-ops in place, we cannot trust the system.  Yet here we…

With Biden incapacitated, who’s running the country?
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With Biden incapacitated, who’s running the country?

Easter is coming. With a president of the United States who could hide his own Easter eggs and throw himself a surprise party, we deserve to know one simple thing: Who’s calling the shots in the White House? It is clearly under leftist Democrat rule.  Joe Biden butchered another press “chat” to respond to the…

Dems want everything electric, except the border fence
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Dems want everything electric, except the border fence

Joe Biden spent his first three years in office telling everyone that “our southern border is secure.” He would squint into the cameras, looking like that banjo player from Deliverance, and say that.  Yet we all knew he was not serious about it because he put Kamala Harris in charge. The only less genuine effort…

We are ruled by a Washington, D.C. Gerontocracy
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We are ruled by a Washington, D.C. Gerontocracy

Even for the left, it is getting harder to ignore the aging of Joe Biden that is happening before our eyes. Biden takes as many vacations as an 80-year-old in retirement with no job.  Biden is at one of his beachfront homes now, fighting back rising sea levels for us. By one estimate, he has…

The construct of “Two Americas” has changed

The construct of “Two Americas” has changed

By Ron Hart In speeches at Stanford University in the mid-1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr coined the term “Two Americas.” He described the then starkly different lives and opportunities of social classes in America. Like many cool things, that term was stolen from an African American and co-opted by white liberal Democrats. It was…

William Shatner and Jeff Bezos’ Flights of Fancy

William Shatner and Jeff Bezos’ Flights of Fancy

By Ron Hart William Shatner and Jeff Bezos’ Flights of Fancy  by Ron Hart  Environmental icon Jeff Bezos blasted his buddy William Shatner into space last week on Bezos’ rocket ship, “Blue Origins.” They used tons of fuel and discharged the huge metal rocket that held the fuel back onto Earth. Since it was from Amazon’s founder, the package discharged from this journey landed broken and…