Young girls sweep Georgia tournament

Young girls sweep Georgia tournament

Three Franklin County girls traveled to Moultrie, Georgia earlier this month to compete in the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) “We Will Never Forget” tournament June 1. The North Florida Glory Wakulla County fast pitch girls 8-and-under team went undefeated all day (5-0) and took home first place.  They downed the Valdosta, Georgia Laces…

Wewa, Franklin County square off Thursday
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Wewa, Franklin County square off Thursday

The sixth-seeded Port St. Joe Lady Tiger Sharks, with a lackluster regular season record of 8-15, proved to be the surprise of last week’s District 4 tournament in Class 1A FHSAA girls softball in Eastpoint, as they downed both Wewa and Franklin County But a bases-loaded single to left field in the bottom of the…

District softball tourney all this week
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District softball tourney all this week

Franklin County played host this week, from April 30 through May 2, to the District 4 tournament in Class 1A FHSAA girls softball. Liberty County (16-6) is the op seed, with Franklin County (15-10) as the #2 seed, Wewahitchka (12-11) #3, Blountstown (17-7) #4, Port St. Joe 97-15) #5 and Bozeman (9-11) #6. On Monday…

Lady Seahawks seeded second, Liberty first, for districts
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Lady Seahawks seeded second, Liberty first, for districts

The Lady Seahawk fastpitch team won two out of three games last week and improved their record to 14-9. The team is currently ranked ninth in the Class 1A FHSAA power rankings, and will host the District 4 tournament as the #2 seed from April 30 through May 2.  Liberty County is the top seed,…

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Apalachicola club hosts April 21 sailing day

The Apalachicola Bay Sailing Club invites all sailors in Franklin or Gulf counties to bring their sailboats to Apalachicola on Sunday, April 21, for a day of sailing on the bay. “We are looking to assemble as many sailboats as possible and to sail around a short course in mid bay where the water is…