Organizations need working caring board members
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Organizations need working caring board members

Hi Y’all, Happy Veterans Day week. The elections are over, it is time to settle down and be kind to your neighbors. Even in a small area like Lanark we have disputes. Being ugly to your neighbors is not the way that you solve who is going to be president of the United States. You…

Applications open for DAR’s Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship

Applications open for DAR’s Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship

Undergraduate and graduate students studying music can now apply for the DAR Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship. Sponsored by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, the scholarship provides a one-time $5,000 award to one student annually who is pursuing undergraduate or graduate study in music.  Marian Anderson (1897-1993) was a groundbreaking African American contralto…


Low concentrations of red tide seen offshore

Over the past week, the red tide organism Karenia brevis was detected in 51 samples collected from Florida’s Gulf Coast, and in northwest Florida, it was observed at background and very low concentrations in Franklin County. Bloom concentrations (>100,000 cells/liter) were not observed. Satellite imagery from Nov. 4 continues to show a large offshore patch…