Lots of Valentine events Friday and Saturday
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Lots of Valentine events Friday and Saturday

Hi Y’all, Happy Valentine’s Day week! Here’s to having a happy day no matter what you do. Take yourself out for a treat or sit on the beach and take in the beauty of the place where we live.  The large tree in Lanark on Warren Street belonged to the Lanark Village Association, it was…

Chinese music master to perform at library
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Chinese music master to perform at library

The Apalachicola Margaret Key Public Library Winter Music and Art Series continues Thursday, Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. ET with “Water Sentiments – Classical Chinese Qin and Zheng Music with Haiqiong Deng.” Haiqiong, a visiting assistant professor in musicology and director of the Chinese Music Ensemble at the Florida State University College of Music, is…

A Valentine’s message on how God loves us
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A Valentine’s message on how God loves us

What keeps you from loving others the way you, yourself, crave to be loved? And conversely, what’s lacking in your life (or more accurately, in your heart) that keeps you from fully loving others the way they need to be loved? First John 4:19 (ESV) says, “We love because [God] first loved us.” The marvelous…

Tipton spruces up after sweeping into office
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Tipton spruces up after sweeping into office

After 23 years on the job, Terry Tipton, Jr. ran a picture perfect campaign to capture the hearts of Franklin County voters and was elected without opposition to succeed the retiring Rhonda Skipper. Tipton announced he was running well in advance of the usual time when candidates step forward and then secured a wealth of…

Law enforcement ramping up in Franklin County
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Law enforcement ramping up in Franklin County

At age 77, Eastpoint’s Jackie Sukkau is on limited income and her knees are not as strong as they once were. She recently bought a new trailer that is twice as high off the ground as her old one, and getting in and out is a challenge. “The other trailer had three steps, this one…