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KGB defector reveals Russian game plan against U.S.

Former KGB propagandist operative Yuri Bezmenov, a specialist in the fields of Marxist-Leninist disinformation and ideological subversion, defected to the West decades ago. He warned us about the quiet, “undeclared war” being waged against America by Russia and (likely) Communist China as part of a longer-term plan to destroy the American way of life from within.  

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Yuri Bezmenov says that only 15% of KGB (now the FSB) work is in espionage. The other 85% attempts to undermine the U.S.A. via “ideological subversion,” which sets about to change our citizens’ perception of a reality where no sensible conclusions can be made. Think of it as the “woke or PC” culture run amok in our country.

Yuri explains in clairvoyant detail what’s happening in America today, whereby Biden and his posse of socialist sympathizers, who now have control of all three branches of elected government, are just the culmination of a very long-term plan.

We now have an administration with a president who is controlled by the left. His press secretary, Jen Psaki, is likely leaving for the other division of the leftist propagandists, MSNBC. She grew tired of reminding Americans that Joe Biden does not speak for the President of the United States.

Those in government now lie or have 51 former CIA and intelligence officials lie for them.  It would not surprise me if they claim — and expect 51% of Americans to believe — that Hunter Biden being Joe Biden’s son is Russian disinformation.

Yuri says that their game of manipulating the U.S. begins with “demoralization, then destabilization,” which is generations of kids taught in grades K through 12, and especially in college, by unchallenged socialists in a monopoly setting. Our kids are programmed not to think for themselves but in groupthink. They do not tolerate other thoughts or ideas, and free speech is trampled. Sound familiar?

Instead of teaching math, science and agriculture, we strap our kids with overpriced degrees from “woke” colleges that teach resentment. Pretty soon ag and tech school like Texas A&M and Auburn will be forced to teach that the difference between a peanut and an almond is structural racism.

Part and parcel with free speech is the stifling of humor by elites, aka Will Smith hitting Chris Rock over a joke. If I say anything that offends the left, my next stand-up routine will be from the mess hall of my re-education camp. Oddly, attending a re-education camp intrigues me. I always wondered what college would have been like sober.

Like the Russian oligarchs who sell their souls to Putin for their right to a monopoly, we have our own tech oligarchs who do the same for the Democrats. Putin puts in gulags or re-education camps those who have their own contrary thoughts, calling them “anti-socialist acts” under the Anti-Reactionary Thought Law. No doubt Twitter, Google and Facebook “censors” took note and love such “Continuing Education Seminars.”

Elon Musk took note and bought a stake in Twitter. You’d think the Democrats would be more pleased that an “African-American” like Elon had done so well in America. Nevertheless, he said, “PC wokeness hurts civilization. Do we want a humorless society that is rife with condemnation and hate? At its heart wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.”  

Pawns of this system of manipulation, like AOC, are so stupid that, when asked what they think about “free speech,” they say that if it is to be “free,” government should pay for it. Yet Musk had to pay $3.2 billion to get his “free speech” back.

Our Justice Department was told to prosecute parents who wanted to protest CRT (which has Soviet origins) and vaccine mandates as white supremacists. The fear is that teaching kids about their constitutional rights, among them their right to protest their government, might undo years of public-school education. If they ever start thinking for themselves, the education grift is up.

Yuri’s augury has been spot on. My cousin Marty, who was a Marine in the first Desert Storm, played football for Alabama and is now a lawyer, is disgusted with the military. His buddies who stayed in say that we only promote “woke” and weak generals now who toe the Democrat line. From the new vagaries of gender to CRT, you must be PC to be promoted. I told him the new Marine motto should be: “The Few, the Proud, the Maureens.”

Ron Hart is a syndicated op-ed humorist, award-winning author, and TV/radio commentator; you can reach him at Ron@RonaldHart.com or Twitter @RonaldHart.




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Meet the Editor

David Adlerstein, The Apalachicola Times’ digital editor, started with the news outlet in January 2002 as a reporter.

Prior to then, David Adlerstein began as a newspaperman with a small Boston weekly, after graduating magna cum laude from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. He later edited the weekly Bellville Times, and as business reporter for the daily Marion Star, both not far from his hometown of Columbus, Ohio.

In 1995, he moved to South Florida, and worked as a business reporter and editor of Medical Business newspaper. In Jan. 2002, he began with the Apalachicola Times, first as reporter and later as editor, and in Oct. 2020, also began editing the Port St. Joe Star.

Wendy Weitzel The Star Digital Editor

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