Legionnaires back Carrabelle Food Pantry
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Legionnaires back Carrabelle Food Pantry

Hi Y’all, the cold seems to be ghosting us. We have had some nice days, according to the snowbirds, but Lanark full-time residents don’t see it that way. I want my warm weather back. There were a few errors in my article in last week’s newspaper and website that I would like to correct. I…

Warm up with soup, bread and books in Eastpoint
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Warm up with soup, bread and books in Eastpoint

The Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries invite everyone to a fun-filled Souper Celebration, a soup, bread, and book sale event on Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Eastpoint Branch Library.  The public is welcome from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET, while members of the Friends have exclusive early access to the soup sale starting…

Learn about Florida’s pirates Saturday
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Learn about Florida’s pirates Saturday

The Carrabelle History Museum will present a speaker program Saturday, Jan. 18 about the Pirates of the Florida West Coast.  This free program, from 10 a.m. to noon ET at C-Quarters Marina in Carrabelle, will feature Robert Jacob, author and historian, who brings over 50 years of experience in living history portrayals and a passion…

New boards at LVA, golf club
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New boards at LVA, golf club

Hi Y’all! Is it cold enough for you? All my family and friends in Georgia are sending pictures of their snow-covered yards. I thought they had moved to the north. On Jan. 6, the Lanark Village Association had its first members’ meeting. The new board is Chairman Debbie Howells; Secretary Kathy Brown; Treasurer Barbara Nolen,…

Library concert to feature Mathis and ‘The Preacher’
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Library concert to feature Mathis and ‘The Preacher’

Clayton Mathis and Stephen Pecot, “The Preacher,” will grace the stage at the Apalachicola Margaret Key Public Library on Wednesday, Jan. 15, from 6 to 7:30 ET. Mathis, who hails from Gaffney, South Carolina where he developed his love of music.  His grandmother tried to teach him piano but he quit at age 12 and…

Legion Post to host Christmas party Saturday
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Legion Post to host Christmas party Saturday

Hi Y’all,  Christmas is coming with lots of cheer, partying, and praising. No matter how you choose to celebrate this Christmas season, my wish for you is that it is a safe, happy time.  Some of our Lanark residents took a trip to the Tallahassee National Cemetery for the laying of wreaths in honor of…

‘Little Mercies’ in concert Friday
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‘Little Mercies’ in concert Friday

Elder Care Community Council of Franklin County and SGI United Methodist Church present the last Coffee House Concert of 2024 on Friday, Dec. 13 at 11 a.m. ET at Holy Family Senior Center.  All donations at the door will purchase food for the daily lunches served at Holy Family and delivered to over 80 homebound…

Lanark Village Association elects new board
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Lanark Village Association elects new board

Hi Y’all,  It is beginning to feel like Christmas… up north. Yes, we have had some cooler days, but after all, it is Florida. It will give us some nice days. The Lanark Village Association had its monthly members meeting Monday, Dec. 2, and the 2025 board was elected. Kathy Brown was voted in as…

War museum looks at Pearl Harbor, wartime Christmas
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War museum looks at Pearl Harbor, wartime Christmas

The Camp Gordon Johnston World War II Museum in Carrabelle is presenting two special exhibits throughout December.  The focus of one exhibit will be on commemorating the anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the focus of the other will be on exploring Christmas During the War. These two exhibits opened Dec. 3 and will be on…

Yard sale Saturday at golf club
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Yard sale Saturday at golf club

Hi Y’all, I hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. On the night before Thanksgiving, Camp Gordon Johnston American Legion Post 82 served their members and the members’ immediate families. It was a wonderful night with good food, and great music by John Jeremiah. The community of Lanark is so lucky to have…