Philaco helps out county seniors
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Philaco helps out county seniors

Jackie Bell, president of the Philaco Woman’s Club of Apalachicola, last week presented a donation to the Elder Care Community Council of Franklin County (ECCC) volunteers Betsy Nofziger, center, and Glenna Smith, in photo above. Philaco’s cash donation also included 150 rolls of paper towels for the new year’s baskets. The Ukulillies, in photo below,…

Violin, piano duo to open 40th anniversary year
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Violin, piano duo to open 40th anniversary year

The Lopez Tabor Duo returns to Apalachicola for the 40th anniversary of the Ilse Newell Concert Series this Sunday, Jan. 26 at 4 p.m. ET at Trinity Episcopal Church, 79 Sixth Street. The duo of violinist Alfonso Lopez, and pianist Michelle Tabor, have performed as part of the concert series every few years for many…

Legionnaires back Carrabelle Food Pantry
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Legionnaires back Carrabelle Food Pantry

Hi Y’all, the cold seems to be ghosting us. We have had some nice days, according to the snowbirds, but Lanark full-time residents don’t see it that way. I want my warm weather back. There were a few errors in my article in last week’s newspaper and website that I would like to correct. I…

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State delegation meetings set for Jan. 27

The annual legislative delegation meetings for Franklin and Gulf counties are set for Monday, Jan. 27. State Representative Jason Shoaf (R-Port St. Joe) and State Senator Corey Simon (R-Tallahassee) will conduct the meetings.  The meeting in Franklin County will be in the county commission chambers, 34 Forbes St., in Apalachicola from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m….

Wade stepping down as Apalachicola city manager
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Wade stepping down as Apalachicola city manager

After about 29 years working in Florida government posts, the last four years as Apalachicola’s city manager, Travis Wade is stepping down at the end of next month. “I weighed it out with stress levels and time, as much as it consumes my life, and I decided I’m ready to be a private citizen,” he…

Restoration work ongoing at Chestnut Cemetery
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Restoration work ongoing at Chestnut Cemetery

Trip Advisor lists Chestnut Street Cemetery as #4 out of 22 things to do in Apalachicola, just after the Orman House, recently closed for renovation; the Raney House, whose exterior was recently restored; and St. Vincent Island, which has a limited number of tourist visits. Cemeteries, especially old ones, are big tourist attractions. The city…

Warm up with soup, bread and books in Eastpoint
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Warm up with soup, bread and books in Eastpoint

The Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries invite everyone to a fun-filled Souper Celebration, a soup, bread, and book sale event on Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Eastpoint Branch Library.  The public is welcome from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET, while members of the Friends have exclusive early access to the soup sale starting…

Learn about Florida’s pirates Saturday
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Learn about Florida’s pirates Saturday

The Carrabelle History Museum will present a speaker program Saturday, Jan. 18 about the Pirates of the Florida West Coast.  This free program, from 10 a.m. to noon ET at C-Quarters Marina in Carrabelle, will feature Robert Jacob, author and historian, who brings over 50 years of experience in living history portrayals and a passion…

New boards at LVA, golf club
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New boards at LVA, golf club

Hi Y’all! Is it cold enough for you? All my family and friends in Georgia are sending pictures of their snow-covered yards. I thought they had moved to the north. On Jan. 6, the Lanark Village Association had its first members’ meeting. The new board is Chairman Debbie Howells; Secretary Kathy Brown; Treasurer Barbara Nolen,…

Local folks recall their days with Jimmy Carter
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Local folks recall their days with Jimmy Carter

In 1976, when the peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia first ran for the presidency, and again in 1980, when he sought a second term in office, Jimmy Carter was the clear favorite of what was then an overwhelmingly Democratic Forgotten Coast. In Gulf County, Carter captured 63 percent of the vote, and in Franklin it…