‘Let’s get ready to mumble’ at debate
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‘Let’s get ready to mumble’ at debate

A rarity happens next week: a presidential debate before either party’s convention. Trump probably should not have agreed to the unusual CNN debate this early. If Biden melts down or freezes up, Dems have time to replace him before their official nomination in Chicago. I would have waited, but where there is a camera and…

Show trials amount to faux trials
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Show trials amount to faux trials

Even after Trump’s faux trial, Biden’s favorability poll numbers are dropping faster than Hunter Biden’s art prices will when Joe loses the presidency. It turns out most Americans see through using government to go after political adversaries. Enough! A Gallup poll recently found that 77% of Americans are “very dissatisfied” with the way things are…

Which party is the real ‘threat to democracy?’
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Which party is the real ‘threat to democracy?’

Biden got confused again in a recent speech. He was distracted by (his handlers said) an “unfamiliar noise.” The only thing that might have been would be applause. If you look closely at Biden’s eyes while he stumbles through speeches these days, you can see the “check engine” light flashing. Of course, he felt cornered…

Campus antics accelerate colleges’ downward spiral
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Campus antics accelerate colleges’ downward spiral

The liberal islands of college campuses continue to disappoint us. The handling of the “Arab Spring Break” protests on elite campuses around the country tells you all you need to know.  This did not happen at my alma mater (or most state colleges), as kids had to get to their jobs after school. But the…

NCAA hoops, the Masters, and Tiger is back
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NCAA hoops, the Masters, and Tiger is back

March Madness just ended with Purdue losing big to formidable Connecticut in the championship game. You know how they make up hats and T-shirts before a big game, one with Purdue as the winner and the other Connecticut? Then they ship the losing tee shirts to Third World countries. This year Biden told them just…

Reflections on timeless P.J. O’Rourke quotes
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Reflections on timeless P.J. O’Rourke quotes

P.J. O’Rourke was a friend and mentor. He blurbed my first book, and he was a hero to many of us libertarians who felt humor was an effective way to point out the absurdities of politics and life. He understood economics, free markets, and the value of free people. “If you say a modern celebrity…