Assistant State Attorney Jarred Patterson holds up before the jury a broken-off portion of the walking stick that Zachary Abell used to beat Aileen Seiden to death in April 2018. [ David Adlerstein | The Times ]
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Abell guilty of second degree murder

After deliberating for about five hours, a Franklin County jury found Zachary Abell guilty of second degree murder this afternoon in the brutal beating death of Aileen Seiden nearly six years ago at an Eastpoint motel.

This means that Abell has now been convicted of the same crime to which his accomplice, Christina Aruajo, pleaded guilty to in May 2023. Second degree murder can result in imprisonment from 20 years up to life.

In reaching their verdict, the jury rejected a finding of first-degree murder, which would have had all 12 of them agreeing that Abell acted with premeditation.

The jury also found that Abell had tampered with evidence when he and Araujo dumped Seiden’s body in a ditch near a cul-de-sac just east of the Franklin County School.

The jury also found Abell guilty of being an accessory after the fact, meaning that he has assisted Araujo in committing the murder. But there are legal questions remaining whether an individual convicted of a crime can also be convicted of aiding someone in that same crime.

In the 27 pages of juror instructions that Circuit Judge Frank Allman presented to the jury first thing this morning, it was noted that Kim Clark, who the defense had called as a witness, had been unable to appear due to “circumstances beyond anyone’s control.”

The jury was not told that Clark, who is Abell’s mother, had died sometime Tuesday in her room at the Best Western Apalach Inn sometime as she waited to testify.

Clark had traveled up from South Florida with her friend, Debra Chestnut Jadosingh, who was in the courtroom each day of the trial, which began Wednesday, Jan. 17.

As a witness, Clark was neither allowed to attend the trial, and not to visit her son.

Jadosingh said she returned from court Wednesday to find her lifelong friend dead in the hotel room. She said that Clark had not been in good health in recent months.

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Meet the Editor

David Adlerstein, The Apalachicola Times’ digital editor, started with the news outlet in January 2002 as a reporter.

Prior to then, David Adlerstein began as a newspaperman with a small Boston weekly, after graduating magna cum laude from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. He later edited the weekly Bellville Times, and as business reporter for the daily Marion Star, both not far from his hometown of Columbus, Ohio.

In 1995, he moved to South Florida, and worked as a business reporter and editor of Medical Business newspaper. In Jan. 2002, he began with the Apalachicola Times, first as reporter and later as editor, and in Oct. 2020, also began editing the Port St. Joe Star.

Wendy Weitzel The Star Digital Editor


  1. Wow! Just wow! I don’t at all blame the jury for the wrong finding…as a witness, I was told not to say certain things or I would cause a mistrial. Y’all wonder why my testimony was different than my original statement to Tony Araujo and his group? Because I have heard stories from Christina Araujo for years about things her father could have done and Zach was scared of him and a threat that was made years ago. With Zach being a little more streetwise than myself, I was concerned and gave my original statement leaving things open for a possible defense for Christina. IF I had known that Zach and Aileen were in love and trying to escape the crazy, I woulda just gone to my local police and told them that a guy I know just came to me totally distraught and sobbing because his ex-girlfriend just killed his new girlfriend. End of story. However, because Zach was scared. I was concerned and had to keep things neutral and hope and pray law enforcement has the smarts to figure it out. Then I heard my hidden camera footage was destroyed by somebody letting it loop over the footage that was taken of the 2 talking to me… yes, level of concern went up with that!
    Zach didn’t testify because he is scared because he is still within the reach of the Araujos!
    Having the States Attorney tell me in prep that I wasn’t allowed to tell the jury why my telling the truth on the stand was different than the original statement seems totally wrong! Y’all deserved to hear the full story! Having John not be able to tell the jury that he witnessed Tony Araujo threaten Zach when he was 18 and Christina was 26, was a big part! Having Kim die from a lack of medical attention because she gave every extra penny she made to Zach’s commissary to be able to communicate with her, friends and family was a major upset. Another witness from Dallas is deployed with the military…
    Anyway, I feel that as a witness, I was pressured into not being able to provide y’all with the full true story.
    Did anyone catch what Christina said on the stand about Zach saying that “now In an accomplice”? He wouldn’t have said that if he actually did any beating or damage to Ah…
    Side note. Under that cardigan of mine was a Bible that I used for swearing in. I didn’t want to make a spectacle of it, but that’s the only way I will testify. Swearing in without it to me is for liars…

    1. Do you have any idea what Aileen was talking about when she said “Guess what” to Christine in the motel room?

      Also why (in hell) would Zach tell Christine their whereabouts when he and Aileen took off in the car?

      And also is Debra okay? She did not show up in court on Friday and it concerned me

      1. Debbie is ok. We left early to get me back for work.
        The “guess what” was Aileen about to throw it in Christina’s face (after drinking) that her and Zach got engaged, were trying to have a baby and that she thought she might be pregnant.
        From what I know, Zach did not tell Christina their whereabouts and Christina found out from a friend of Aileen’s or from a social media post.
        Thank you for asking and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask away and I will tell you what I know or find the answer from other witnesses… I also have Kim’s notes of things she was going to say at trial. Also, a key thing that I thought was going to be brought up when I was supposed to be called back by the defence was after Zach gave Aileen CPR and somebody vomited, he wanted to call 911 and Christina freaked on him and wouldn’t allow it. The slip she made on the stand about him saying “now I’m involved, now I’m an accomplice”, speaks volumes.

        The poor guy is a victim and is now going to prison because the state and court would not allow anybody to mention anything that would put reasonable doubt in the jury’s mind. After the trial I had a long talk with some guy for the defence named John that told me a lot more that should have come out but he was told that if he had said any of it he would be found in contempt and put in jail… so much for justice!
        A key thing that caused Christina to plea out was that it sounds like her former girlfriend from jail was gonna turn states evidence on her. People need to ask her questions as I bet she knows how there were lies told by Christina…

        1. Who is John and what is the name of the girl that was going to turn states evidence?. If Zach performed CPR on Aileen how or why didn’t he take a stand to Christine? What did she do to prevent him from getting help?

          1. John is a friend of Zach’s who has witnessed a lot of the early dealings with Christina which brought on the fear that Zach had with her and her connections to law enforcement that could “make things happen” without consequence. He also said that he has seen Christina provide drugs and booze to underage girls to hook up with them. Also witnessed Christina’s ex beat Zach to an inch of his life. That individual he said worked for Christina’s dad. The girl that appeared like she was going to turn States evidence on Christina was her girlfriend from jail, Tamara (or something like that).
            Zach was always afraid of Christina because of her connections with law enforcement that could make things happen and get away with it. It was a valid threat as over the years I studied the two and their antics, I could see the fear she instilled on him. I went over to one of their apartments once and Christina was bragging about how she just got back from scaring away the first girl Zach fell in love with. She had taken a shotgun over to the girls apartment and told her to stay away from him or else. That girl is dead now too. Priscilla was her name. Real pretty girl inside and out. That would have been amazing to settle Zach down and get him away from Chris. He had her pregnant too but she wasn’t into girls and didn’t let Christina have any opportunity to drug her…
            I’m gonna ask a question now to anybody that might have info that I haven’t found back up to…
            When I drove Kim up to Apalach she mentioned that Chris had been speeding in a vehicle and hit and killed a homeless black man and got away with that incident. If anybody knows the details of when and where, please post it!
            Also, who was the guy from J-date that Aileen was supposed to go on a date with on Feb.17,2018 from the bowling alley on Pembroke Rd in Hallandale? The bar manager said Chris had a fight with him, and I would love to hear the details and will keep your name out of this mess for sure…

          2. John is a friend of Zach’s who has witnessed a lot of the early dealings with Christina which brought on the fear that Zach had with her and her connections to law enforcement that could “make things happen” without consequence. He also said that he has seen Christina provide drugs and booze to underage girls to hook up with them. Also witnessed Christina’s ex beat Zach to an inch of his life. That ex was a cop that he said worked for Christina’s dad who gave him a high five for beating Zach. Poor Zach has had a rough life because of Christina and I think it’s disgusting that he has been railroaded like this!!
            The girl that appeared like she was going to turn States evidence on Christina was her girlfriend from jail, some dark girl named Tamara (or something like that). I know she was in for meth and the next time meth and possession of a gun. I think that was the charge that pushed her into making a statement against Christina to save her own skin…
            Zach was always afraid of Christina because of her connections with law enforcement that could “make things happen and get away with it”. It was a valid threat as over the years I studied the two and their antics, I heard it constantly and could see the fear she instilled in him. I went over to one of their apartments once and Christina was bragging about how she just got back from scaring away the first girl Zach fell in love with. She had taken a shotgun over to the girls apartment and told her to stay away from him or else. Oddly enough, that girl is dead now too. Death seems to follow Christina in life…Priscilla was the girls name. Real pretty girl inside and out. That would have been amazing for Zach to settle down with and get him away from Christina. He had her pregnant too but she wasn’t into girls and didn’t let Christina have any opportunity to drug her…
            I’m gonna ask a question now to anybody that might have info that I haven’t found back up to…
            When I drove Kim up to Apalach she mentioned that Christina had been speeding in a vehicle years back and hit and killed a homeless black man and got away with that incident. If anybody knows the details of when and where, please post it!
            Also, who was the guy from J-date that Aileen was supposed to go on a date with on Feb.17,2018 from the bowling alley on Pembroke Rd in Hallandale? The bar manager said Christina had a fight with him in the parking lot that night, and I would love to hear the details and will keep your name out of this mess for sure…

      2. Thankyou,this is Debbie..I was shocked I had to withness all this with everything going on in court /and Kim passing away some time Tuesday after I got back from court 😭😭😭Kim was my childhood long friend since about 5-6 years old amazing hard working woman..sadly will be missed by many people 😭😭😭

      1. If I could go back and ask you about Christina’s child was ‘no bueno’–
        What’s that all about? If you don’t mind.

        1. I’m not going to elaborate on Christina’s claims from her childhood as it’s a touchy subject that with my luck would get turned around to help her in some way… I still can believe how the court system can steer testimonies the way they did to not let witnesses mention anything that would cause reasonable doubt for the accused…
          Jarred said that I would cause a mistrial if I said certain facts and in pressuring me to not mention those things he has tampered with a witness which should cause a mistrial….very weird and unjust!

    2. Thank you for clarification Please please explain to me what happened that night. Why was she beaten so badly?! Why?! What is this about a nap and hee not finishing a statement?!! What is the truth about the walking stick?!

      1. When Aileen would drink while taking her Seroquel, she would turn into a different person than her friends knew and would throw things into Christina’s face about either being fat and ugly or in this case, I’m pretty sure she threw it in her face that she thought she was pregnant and since Christina can’t have children and he ex-husband knocked up her best friend, it turned Christina into a rage. She was also injecting steroids into her stomach to try to lose weight (which I found while cleaning their shop out). Everybody knows the side effect with those is called roid rage… Christina has her battles too as in Kim’s notes there is something about her childhood that was no bueno…

        1. Serolquel is for schizophrenia or bipolar patients. Was Aileen bipolar?
          How would you describe Zach’s personality?
          Did you ever see him hit the girls?

          1. I never knew Aileen to take seriously. She was not schizophrenic and or bipolar?!! That I knew! I am also abounded that she spoke with cattiness to Christine I personally had her working in a position where she had to deal with 100s. And she was always respectful?! Per Christine’s testimony and about the punching etc.. it was all pointing toward Aileen being pregnant. Why didn’t they bring that out?? You said you saw Zach kick Aileen in the head. This is not a nice fellow?! Who raped her with the object?! Why. What happened and why. If you know tell us!

          2. I don’t know what her diagnosis was, but I do know that I found paperwork, in the truck that Aileen was living in after her lease ran out from a mental health facility in Miami Beach that read in part,
            “Aileen Seiden has been evaluated by me. I am familiar with her and the functional limitations imposed by her emotional/mental health related issues.
            Due to her mental illness, Aileen has certain limitations regarding her ability to deal with stress, her ability to manage anxiety and emotional distress.”
            I also have a printout of an email she sent to herself that she had in there where she states:
            “just came from therapy and these are my options. I do therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for a block period of time each day for 2 to 3 weeks to erase the damage that has been caused or I end up going on suicide watch and get baker acted where they put me in a mental institution some where in the ghetto where I go even crazier either won’t come out or end up killing myself there or having one of the ghetto mental patience kill me or give me aids.”
            So, I would say this whole thing was the equivalent of A Perfect Storm, with 3 people, broken in their own ways, coming together.
            Zach’s personality: he was and is always very passive. From what I’ve seen, he always walks away from conflict. I once saw this gay black manager of Duffy’s in North Miami swing a chair at him and hit him after Zach asked him for a first aid kit. The manager was walking away from Zach, said something stupid, went to walk into a locked door after saying it, got scared, picked up a chair and hit Zach with it. Zach did nothing and the manager went inside after an employee unlocked the door. Another time, I set Zach up for a practical joke which was “LEGENDARY” and things went funny as hell where Zach’s manhood could have been questioned and instead of freaking like a lot of guys would, Zach was just, “oh well, that just happened” and laughed about it.
            Did I see him hit the girls?:
            He has never laid a hand on Christina but as I stated to the FDLE guy, Confessor (awesome name!), I did see, what I couldn’t believe, Zach walking out the door of my boat and kick back which hit Aileen in the head. I think she grabbed for his foot and he didn’t know who was doing it and kicked back to free his leg. That was the only time. All the black eyes that the girls had were from each other, not him! Even if he was the type, which I’ve never seen him be, I think his mom woulda kicked his ass if he ever raised a hand to a girl, or I would have! If I believed he was that type, I wouldn’t be trying so hard all the time to clear the air for the sake of justice and nothing else! But, in court, there is rarely justice! The system is broke!
            If people think I’m lying about any of this, ask yourself, “What does he have to gain from this?” Answer would be, nothing! If Zach were out, my wife would probably give him a loving hug, he would touch her butt and I would be kicked to the curb! Then I would have to beat his ass and end up in jail. It probably wouldn’t be a good thing for me…however, doing the right thing is why Zach convinced Christina to come to my house instead of driving 20 more minutes to theirs. He knows my one and only tattoo has deep meaning to me. And it’s all about honor! He was confused and scared and looking for guidance and I fed him to the dogs by giving my statement to cops associated with Christina’s father… I feel so bad for doing that and should have just went to Davie police and told them some guy I know just came to me and told me his ex-girlfriend just killed his fiancé… so sad…

  2. It’s pathetic how you keep deleting my comments David! Seems none of y’all wanna hear the truth!
    – Abell is innocent and the States Attorney and the judge prevented the jury from hearing crucial information to make a just decision! I was tampered with as a witness and so was John!
    – having been drugged by Christina Araujo twice, I truly believe she drugged both of them before she killed Aileen Seiden! That’s why there were no screams waking anybody up in the lodge…
    But I was told I couldn’t say that!
    – my initial statement to Tony and his crew was due to all the crap Christina kept telling everybody about her dad and what he can have done. I kept it open for police to figure out and they figured out wrong…

    1. My apologies David! I was wrong! Thank you for keeping them up! Your system was kicking me out and showing me that my comments were not there…

    2. Michael
      First thank you for your candor and response. Aileen worked for me for 11 years!! I never saw any of the signs that you have presented?! That just goes to show how we do not always know everything that we think we know.
      The writing that you included about the rehab and her internal text was devastating for me to read. If she had only come to me. However Monday morning quarterbacking will not help anyone. What year was she in the facility? When had her lease ran out? What damage had she done? She was an Angel however she was a delicate fragile Angel Thank you for your input. I would really like for you to share Kim’s notes. What did she die of and how is Zachary taking it?!! This is a twilight zone!! Please continue to share because ( although it’s selfish on my part). I need to really have closure and only the truth will set my mind free. Aileen was Jewish so it’s understandable that she was searching on that site. Why would Christina stop it? She should have been glad to get rid of the competition?!! Christina mentioned on the stand that Zach and Aileen were having a lot of conversations which they did not share with her., I would like to hear Kind input and what she was going to testify to. And I would like to know if Christina thought Aileen was pregnant?! Christina focused on the witness stand in saying that she was punched by Zach severely in the lower abdomen. ( like to try to abort a pregnancy?!). And is that the same reason why Aileen was forcibly penetrated with the stick or something large?! You portray Christina like a dominatrix?! Is that what this relationship was about. Why didn’t Zach move on and lastly when you system on the witness stand about Zach kicking Aileen in the head. It wasn’t presented in the way you did today?!! Why did you do that? Please let me know when the mental issues happened with Aileen The dates and year?! Thanks for responding before and thanks in advance for continuing your clarifications with detail. Take care. Justice for Aileen

      1. I’m not going to elaborate on Christina’s claims from her childhood as it’s a touchy subject that with my luck would get turned around to help her in some way… I still can believe how the court system can steer testimonies the way they did to not let witnesses mention anything that would cause reasonable doubt for the accused…
        Jarred said that I would cause a mistrial if I said certain facts and in pressuring me to not mention those things he has tampered with a witness which should cause a mistrial….very weird and unjust!

      2. Wow Margaret, a lot of questions that I will do my best to answer in order…
        From what I know and the paperwork she saved in the truck,
        Her lease ran out Feb.28,2018.
        She chose to do the cognitive behavior therapy and not being baker acted. Her issues stemmed around one of her sisters allegedly stealing her inheritance. She was raised rich and ended up poor with Christina controlling her paycheck in her last days. She was helping with selling cars and I heard Christina saying that she would pay her when she felt like it after Zach asked about money that was supposed to go to Aileen from a deal.
        What damage did she do?….I think it was regarding the damage to a relationship with some David guy who was accusing her of sleeping with some other guy.
        Kim had a very bad leg infection that I got her triple antibiotic for. I think laying in bed for 2 days waiting for her turn on the stand let the infection travel to her heart. The coroner has told me that she found 2 different items pointing to natural causes but couldn’t finish the report until toxicology came back. We are waiting for that now…
        Her passing hit all of us hard. Zach is extremely distraught over losing his mom. He feels like he has nobody left now. I’ve got grandma and Ray’s ashes waiting for Kim’s and then we have to organize a celebration of life and figure out where Zach wants them for the future.
        The JDate was confusing and it was all about Christina losing her toy I guess… Chrisitina’s MO is to drug the girls she wants to get with by giving them Molly and then having her way with them. She wasn’t a dominatrix, just some desperate girl that creeped on guys and girls younger than her.
        One of the conversations that Zach had with Aileen was down by the river where she told him that she thought she was pregnant. With my knowing firsthand how Aileen, when she had a couple drinks, would throw things in Christina’s face, I’m pretty sure she did that night, Christina went postal and did what she did to make sure Aileen didn’t have a baby. I can’t believe people couldn’t see that what was done to Aileen was a woman on woman crime of passion… Zach wouldn’t ruin what he wanted to build a future with. That’s what makes me feel like I’m in the twilight zone…
        What you saw on the stand from Christina was her describing what she did to Aileen and just saying it was Zach. But like all liars, she let something slip where she said that Zach said, “Now I’m involved, now I’m an accomplice” that was the only true thing she said up there and she didn’t think about how you can’t be an accomplice if you are the murderer…
        On the stand, I was instructed to not say some things or I would cause a mistrial. I knew how much Zach wanted to have this all done with and I didn’t want to cause that. Even when his mom died, he was offered a mistrial and didn’t take it because we thought the truth would be allowed to come out…it wasn’t! I was supposed to be called back by the defence and wasn’t. When I found out I wasn’t being called back I was freaking because dots needed to be connected for the jury to make an informed decision…it’s so wrong what they did! I didn’t want to admit it because I didn’t like Aileen, but, Zach did love her and was trying to iron out what Aileen did at my house Dec.26,2017 by putting us together with the hopes that I might see her in a different light.
        With Zach kicking her in the head, I did state on the stand that I don’t know if Aileen was grabbing onto his foot and he was trying to shake it loose, but tv does t report that stuff, only the bad… I hd a flashback dream the other night of how it happened and I’m pretty sure she was grabbing is foot and he was starting to fall out the door, he didn’t look at where he was kicking and I’m sure didn’t mean any harm, but needed to do something before he fell on his face…
        Feb.9,2016 was the date on the mental health letter.

  3. My instincts told me that there was much more than what the prosecution showed. Not all law enforcement is as honest as our own . A.J.

  4. I screamed out loud when I heard Kim died. I’ve known all of them since Zac was in middle school. Eileen was the most beautiful soul I have ever met. There is so much I know and want to say but all of this is just too much. Christina always bragged about her daddy and her ex husband “taking care of Zac”. Zac has been afraid of Christina ever since he picked her up on the side of the road. I wish he would have kept going. I want Christina to rott in hell. She came after me one time and Zac just closed the door to keep her from me. I’m Kim’s age and she was jealous of our friendship. Our system is so broken. Tony is crooked and Eileen, Zac’s father, Zac and Kim have all paid the ultimate price because of his wreckless stupidity in how he raised his daughter. I hope he rots in hell too. Come get me you crooked POS.

    1. Well Joyce, Fun fact: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” is one of the Ten Commandments. There is no coming back from that and there won’t be any salvation for her or anybody that has assisted her or prepped her to testify with all the lies she told. That is the one thing that comforts me through all this mess… it is Go To Hell, do not pass Go and do not collect $200…

      1. Mike
        Are you absolutely sure David, the reporter of this article deleted some of your comments?
        Because all the questions and replies
        have rhythm and make sense.
        Besides reporters want to give ppl information they are looking for.
        Apparently theres several ppl who are truly interested in what you have to say
        Thats what makes ppl come back to this newspaper.
        However I don’t believe anything you say at this time… can help Zachary. Next is sentencing so its just to late.
        The jury found him guilty bc they actually had no choice since some of the most important information was left out.
        The only reason Id have perhaps not found him guilty is bc of Chris’s testimony on the stand, saying
        “ Zach said to her”Now Im accomplish”
        That short statement speaks Volumes

        1. I already addressed that this website was kicking me out and showing me that my comments were not there. Eventually I had to subscribe in order to provide comments.
          Yes, her slipping and saying that “Now I’m involved, now I’m an accomplice” tells the story. One thing about Zach is he came into the trial admitting to what he knew he was guilty of. Even with the idiot in jail that assaulted him and he had to headbutt as he was in a bear hug, he admitted to what he did to defend himself.
          The sad thing is that it was the ass states attorney that hampered the truth from coming out from witnesses.

          Truth: after I’ve been drugged twice by Christina and have seen the signs from 2 of my girlfriends that were as well, I know the signs of what they looked like and felt like the day or two afterwards. THAT is what Zach looked like when he arrived on my doorstep. He also told his mother that he felt drugged (which was in her notes)
          Truth: Zach told me that Aileen told him down by the river that she thought she was pregnant the day before she was murdered by Christina. That is why Christina assaulted her the way she did! Zach would never do that!
          TRUTH: Zach was threatened early on by law enforcement through Christina and when he woke up to the crap show, he was scared of Christina and didn’t know what to do after she wouldn’t let him call 911 for Aileen. However, he did convince her to stop by my house so he could report what she did to me, knowing I would assess the situation and figure out something to do to have Aileen found.
          He loved Aileen, did not kill her or have any part in her beating and he is now a victim of a corrupt system that would not let anything come out in testimony that could have acquitted him!!

          1. Your comments are interesting. You said though that you hated Aileen?!! Why?! What happened with the impact statements. We’re you allowed to
            make one? Were they allowed to address Christina? You said Kim’s notes would have told us something? What were in the notes? Will Zach appeal?

  5. Did I ever say I “hated her”? I wouldn’t normally use that wording…I did say that I didn’t like her but empathized with her coming from being a rich girl to ending up homeless and how that would lead anybody to have anxiety and depression (which would be why she needed help with that with meds…), and then when she did shots with Zach and Christina it made her Dr. Jekyl/Mrs. Hyde where her eggs were scrambled…unfortunately that warning that comes with the meds didn’t factor into her need to party. The Miami princess attitude, of being better than everybody else who she would treat as being below her, led right into the last part to the whole dislike, which would be that I never really gave any of the girls Zach tried to run away with any respect as I don’t believe in screwing around on your partner whether married or not. Why waste people’s time and emotions? So, there was a list on my phone as to why to not invite Zach out on my boat anymore. Back then, I thought I trusted Christina more and thought of her like a sister I was wanting to defend. I really thought I had her talked into leaving Zach after the first fight she had with Ah at my house. And for that matter, I can also see why Christina didn’t want to leave him. She took an 18 year old boy that had just lost a best friend in his father and groomed him, trying to sway him from being like her first husband. She wanted to form him into the thug looking guy that she did with all those tats she got Zach to put on himself. Unfortunately though, with human psychology, the more you try to control somebody, the more you push them away from you. When she eventually saw she was losing control, she decided to ruin everybody’s lives involved because her life would have been nothing without Zach…she created the lovable party starter and would have a difficult time finding or creating another like him.
    And then, there is poor Zach, lost his Dad, had Christina swoop in needing a home to live in after her divorce, told him she liked women as well and would constantly serve alcohol to and drug 16 and 17 year old girls so she could get with them and impress her new younger boyfriend…when you analyze and process everything like I have you can see how the design all came together. I just wish I saw it earlier, realized what a thug she was and that I did something to stop the stupid from happening…now, the ass states attorney made me be part of railroading him by not letting me testify to Christina’s habit of drugging people or all the wacko things Christina used to brag about that her Dad and family could get away with. I haven’t heard about any impact statements, and because the court doesn’t want to hear the truth, I would highly doubt my being invited to tell the court how I know for a fact that Christina drugged people all the time. It just took me a long time to believe it was her because she would come to everybody with a drink that she said Zach mixed a drink for them…however, it was always her serving the drinks and I’ve never seen him mix any drinks, only serve shots!
    Did I ever say I “hated her”? I wouldn’t normally use that wording…I did say that I didn’t like her but empathized with her coming from being a rich girl to ending up homeless and how that would lead anybody to have anxiety and depression (which would be why she needed help with that with meds…), and then when she did shots with Zach and Christina it made her Dr. Jekyl/Mrs. Hyde where her eggs were scrambled…unfortunately that warning that comes with the meds didn’t factor into her need to party. The Miami princess attitude, of being better than everybody else who she would treat as being below her, led right into the last part to the whole dislike, which would be that I never really gave any of the girls Zach tried to run away with any respect as I don’t believe in screwing around on your partner whether married or not. Why waste people’s time and emotions? So, there was a list on my phone as to why to not invite Zach out on my boat anymore. Back then, I thought I trusted Christina more and thought of her like a sister I was wanting to defend. I really thought I had her talked into leaving Zach after the first fight she had with Ah at my house. And for that matter, I can also see why Christina didn’t want to leave him. She took an 18 year old boy that had just lost a best friend in his father and groomed him, trying to sway him from being like her first husband. She wanted to form him into the thug looking guy that she did with all those tats she got Zach to put on himself. Unfortunately though, with human psychology, the more you try to control somebody, the more you push them away from you. When she eventually saw she was losing control, she decided to ruin everybody’s lives involved because her life would have been nothing without Zach…she created the lovable party starter and would have a difficult time finding or creating another like him.
    And then, there is poor Zach, lost his Dad, had Christina swoop in needing a home to live in after her divorce, told him she liked women as well and would constantly serve alcohol to and drug 16 and 17 year old girls so she could get with them and impress her new younger boyfriend…when you analyze and process everything like I have you can see how the design all came together. I just wish I saw it earlier, realized what a thug she was and that I did something to stop the stupid from happening…now, the ass states attorney made me be part of railroading him by not letting me testify to Christina’s habit of drugging people or all the wacko things Christina used to brag about that her Dad and family could get away with. I haven’t heard about any impact statements, and because the court doesn’t want to hear the truth, I would highly doubt my being invited to tell the court how I know for a fact that Christina drugged people all the time. It just took me a long time to believe it was her because she would come to everybody with a drink that she said Zach mixed a drink for them…however, it was always her serving the drinks and I’ve never seen him mix any drinks, only serve shots!
    As for Kim’s notes, she wouldn’t share any thoughts or anything with me on the long drive up to Apalach…I was shocked to see some of them as the supported what I processed.
    – Zach apparently talked to her at some point and said, “sorry for not doing the right thing by calling 911, but I wanted to and she threatened me, I was scared and felt drugged.”
    – she went into reasons why Zach was scared of Christina and her family (Dad and Uncle).
    – she mentioned that Christina left on the flight for Dallas with a lot of Aileen’s Seroquel. I think she was putting it together as well that Zach was drugged. She mentioned that Christina had drugged Zach before to go to a party at Christina’s parents place that he didn’t want to go to. This I remember as Zach wanted to hang out with me that day instead and didn’t last minute. He told me that Christina’s uncle was going to be there and there was something weird there about how the uncle was present when his father died suspiciously. I finally heard the story about that…Zach was out racing with one of his dads cars one day and when his dad had taken it away to punish Zach the next day, the cops were looking for it and when they found his dad driving it accused him of being the one racing…and then somehow he was killed…and Christina’s uncle was apparently one of the cops on the scene when it happened…the story over the years from Christina pointed to some weird suspicious stuff happening…
    Final answer….
    Yes, Zach will appeal. I keep telling him it should be a mistrial because I was pressured into not being able to say certain facts, which is witness tampering, but so far nobody is hearing that!

    1. I think this system keeps copying and pasting everytime I leave my app…sorry…it’s a rough/repetitive read…

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