Lanark News: Golf club hosts tournament Saturday
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Lanark News: Golf club hosts tournament Saturday

Hi y’all: As an interim measure, the paper boxes have been removed from the Lanark area.  The Apalachicola Times can be bought at Carrabelle Junction and Carrabelle IGA.  This article is published on the website on Mondays. Sorry for the inconvenience. The American Legion Post 82 Sons/Riders cooked up some amazing chicken for our enjoyment. …

Lanark News: Flag burning marks Memorial Day
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Lanark News: Flag burning marks Memorial Day

Hi Y’all,  Memorial Day was a beautiful day. Camp Gordon Johnston American Legion Post 82, in Lanark had a ceremony on Monday, May 29. It was bittersweet for it was as it should be, a day of memorial. Our country’s red, white and blue was displayed everywhere. Many veterans and friends gathered to honor those…

From painting to emergencies, volunteers get it done

From painting to emergencies, volunteers get it done

Hi Y’all, We had some really pretty days this past week, before the colder winds came in. I’m not complaining, especially when I talk to the folks who are coming down from the north. I don’t know if you noticed how beautiful the walls in the post office look. After tackling the enormous job of…